Marcus Grodi returns for a Part 2 interview. Our main topic in this visit? His new book LIFE FROM OUR LAND: The Search for a Simpler Life in a Complex World. This book presents a new and wonderful dimension of Marcus as he introduces readers to the good, the true and the beautiful as found on 25 acres of farmland in Ohio.
You’ll find chapters touching, challenging, beautiful and humorous. Our Catholic Vitamins recommendation: give this book to a busy, busy spouse or friend for Christmas. They’ll enjoy chapters and experiences as pungent as sweet-scented pipe tobacco.
Thanks also to Sarah Reinhard for a short visit to talk about her new book WORD BY WORD: Slowing Down With the Hail Mary. We enjoyed reviewing this book so much that we’ve ordered six copies for some friends for this Christmas. Help a friend discover new thoughts about Blessed Mother Mary.
And gratitude also to journalist Marianna Bartholomew for sharing a Missionary Moment about being an icon of love and communion to others.
No Sonja this week — fear not – she’ll be back!!
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Catholic Vitamins.