Monthly Archives: February 2013

Catholic Vitamin D: Desire Blog Page

Our guest on this very special Catholic Vitamins is none other than the successful, award-winning advertising executive Tom Peterson. He entered into a profound conversion-type experience and this led him to become the founder of two highly impact-full apostolates —

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Catholic Vitamin D Desire

Do you know the name TOM PETERSON? He’s the on-fire ‘revert’ to our faith, and the founder of CATHOLICS  COME HOME and VIRTUE MEDIA. In addition to the work of bringing lagging or fallen-away Catholics home on television …

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Catholic Vitamin C: Cobble Show Notes

All of life… every breath… every sunrise and new day is blessing. The hummers at our backyard feeder, the snow-capped rim north of us and 1,500 feet higher than our elevation. The Divine Mercy that gives me hope and which …

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Catholic Vitamin C Cobble

We’ve cobbled (assembled) some segments to help you in this Year of Faith and your Lenten Faith walk. First — we have the inspiring Biblical evangelist SONJA CORBITT from her website: with her testimony about Scripture study. And then, …

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Catholic Vitamin B: Body Blog Page

A former non-Catholic, a mixed marriage, a pharmacist… so where in the world does A BODY IN PRAYER come from? That’s what this Catholic Vitamin B for BODY features — an interview with a first-time author Neil Combs from New …

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Catholic Vitamin B Body

Tongue-tied when it comes to spontaneous prayer? Seeking to gain a better footing in your faith-walk? Join author NEIL COMBS on Catholic Vitamin B for BODY – a discussion of Neil’s book: A BODY IN PRAYER: Praying From

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Catholic Vitamin A Awaken

STEVE DAWSON has a mother like St. Monica. The result, combined with God’s grace is a life AWAKENed and from that new life – SAINT PAUL STREET EVANGELIZATION. What? Catholics evangelizing? Yes — now in many U. S. cities …

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Catholic Vitamin A: Awaken Blog Post

Our guest on this Catholic Vitamins Podcast is Steve Dawson. He’s the co-founder and National Director of the ST. PAUL STREET EVANGELIZATION program. At you will hear in the interview – Steve was a classic image of a teen headed …

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