Monthly Archives: January 2013

Catholic Vitamin Z: Zesty Blog Page

We open this week’s show with a prayer by the Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix, His Excellency Thomas J. Olmsted. We listened (and I said hi) to Bishop as he helped to kick off the Phoenix RALLY FOR

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Catholic Vitamin Z Zesty

An opening prayer for (Pro-) Life by His Excellency Thomas Olmsted… and then, a special interview with Scriptural Evangelist Sonja Corbitt.  Sonja fosters  true intimacy with God, Biblical literacy and ZESTY Christianity. Join us for this podcast along …

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Catholic Vitamin Y Yaw

A seemingly idyllic childhood leads to a faith-walk that YAWs quite a bit off course. That’s the story shared by our guest CLAUDIA GRAHAM on this week’s Catholic Vitamins. Listen in and catch details for FREE LIGHTHOUSE CATHOLIC MEDIA CD’s

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Catholic Vitamin Y: Yaw Blog Page

As we have said several times before — we do a fair amount of research to put our Catholic Vitamins podcast (and it’s themes or ‘vitamins’ ) together. We hope you find it interesting, varied and often challenging. 

During a …

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Catholic Vitamin X Xtra 3 – Deacon Tom’s Homily 011313

This past Sunday was the Feast of the Baptism of The Lord and Deacon Tom preached at all the English Masses in his Arizona parish. This was a particularly challenging homily aimed at making the Year of Faith more challenging …

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Catholic Vitamin X Xtra 2 – Meet The CV Team

Hi again Catholic Vitamins listeners and friends. Vitamin X is always a tough one to come up with — and so, for this show, we decided to do a group conference call and give you a chance to meet the

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Catholic Vitamin W: Welcome Blog Page

We spend quite a number of hours doing research for Catholic Vitamins each week. And it is interested to us how God gives us opportunities through people and circumstances and referrals. A friend, Candy Bridges calls the results of many …

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Catholic Vitamin W Welcome

Welcome, Christ the King as we post our first 2013 podcast on the Feast of the Epiphany. Welcome to a New Year of Catholic Vitamins… and a special welcome to our guest AMANDA MORTUS – a delightful youth minister …

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