Catholic Vitamin Z: Zesty Blog Page

Bishop Thomas OlmstedWe open this week’s show with a prayer by the Bishop of the Diocese of Phoenix, His Excellency Thomas J. Olmsted. We listened (and I said hi) to Bishop as he helped to kick off the Phoenix RALLY FOR LIFE a few days ago.

SONJA CORBITT:  Persuing the Summit

As a Catholic author and speaker on the Scriptures, Sonja Corbitt’s potent Bible teaching, vivid speaking style, and gripping Bible studies inspire and equip Catholics everywhere who long for intimacy with God. A sought-after speaker in the Catholic community and author of her own high-impact DVD-driven Bible study series, Sonja uses Scripture study in every media to help others foster intimacy with God, improve biblical literacy, and promote serious Catholicity. Wherever He is found – in the Sacraments, the Scriptures, or “distressing disguise” – the Word of God is Sonja’s favorite thing.


Sonja teaches regularly and lives in Tennessee. Her appearances are championed by her husband Bob, a true Joseph, their two collaborative children, and the flexibility of their family’s homeschooling schedule. Besides her devotion to the Eucharist and the Sacred Writings and their Author, Sonja is in formation with the Third Order Carmelites. She delights in a pot of apricot tea, her rocking chair and quilt on the porch of her farmhouse, the English countryside, Austen, Dickens and Michael Crighton novels, and long hikes along the Appalachian Trail. Sonja Corbitt

I teach what I have learned from the Master teacher: as we journey, He is hiding in cavernous depths for our seeking, sending us hillsides of dancing wildflowers, and leading us directly into the blackberry briers. Let’s follow the haunting echoes of his voice through the gorge together. Though the thrill leaves me emotionally stingy with what I have discovered in the mountain, I am compelled by its glory to wave you over for a peek! 

Sonja Corbitt fosters intimacy with God, biblical literacy, and serious Christianity through Scripture studies and multi-media. After teaching successfully for more than nine years, she founded a non-profit organization as an evangelical when her own deep need for more of God began to connect with others and she began receiving invitations to speak around the country. Serving both itinerantly and locally in churches, on radio and TV, she was privileged for several years to witness many awakenings to the delights and effects of the Scriptures.

After having found the Church as both the “pillar and foundation of truth” and the desire of her heart, Sonja has recently begun “getting back to her roots” by focusing exclusively on adult education in the Scriptures. Although she has extensive experience in speaking to large leadership and lay groups at conferences, workshops and retreats, she is new to the Catholic speaker scene, having been kept busy for the past several years as a Director of Religious Education. Sonja continues writing Bible studies and teaching workshops, seminars, and conferences aimed at inspiring a love for and literacy in the Scriptures, because in every form, the Word of God is Sonja’s favorite thing.

Visit her at

We featured music by TERESA SMITH – the vocalist you may have heard over years as the theme music for Lisa Hendey’s CATHOLIC MOMENTS. The song we played was BLOOMING from her album of the same name.

And we closed with Steubenville Worship, Volume 2. We played THIS LITTLE LIGHT OF MINE. A fun way to end this ZESTY Show.

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