Monthly Archives: April 2016

Catholic Vitamin B Building

Who is she? She’s the joy-filled voice of CALL ME CATHOLIC, PEGGY NORMANDIN, heard on EWTN radio each Saturday morning from 10-11am Pacific. She’s also heard on the Immaculate Heart radio network, which is how we found her — …

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Catholic Vitamin A Adytum Part 2

DICK JENKINS, Gen’l Mgr of the Immaculate Heart Radio Network rejoins us for Part Two of his journey from Bible-loving, Bible knowledgable Protestant to on-fire Catholic and an on-fire Catholic radio network. We covered lots of ground with Dick …

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Catholic Vitamin A Adytum Part 1

What? The Catholic Vitamins guest is the fellow who started K-LOVE Protestant music radio stations? What’s up with that? His name is DICK JENKINS. He’s now a Catholic convert and the General Manager of IMMACULATE HEART RADIO Network. Our …

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Catholic Vitamin Z Zealot

Come (re)meet KAREE SANTOS — a wonderful Catholic wife, mother (of 6), author, speaker and blogger. You may be familiar with her work with husband Dr. Manny entitled CAN WE CANA. But her visit this time on Catholic Vitamin …

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