Catholic Vitamin A Adytum Part 1

UnknownWhat? The Catholic Vitamins guest is the fellow who started K-LOVE Protestant music radio stations? What’s up with that? His name is DICK JENKINS. He’s now a Catholic convert and the General Manager of IMMACULATE HEART RADIO Network. Our special guest shares a two part journey with us — Part one: his upbringing, his early faith walk, his start in radio (a rock and roll disc jockey!), his growing role as a consultant to Christian radio throughout Europe, Australia and the U. S.

Part two of the Dick Jenkins guest appearance explains how God works in the secret recesses of our heart – if our mind and soul are open to the workings of God’s grace. Dick is invited to consult a few hours a week with the Immaculate Heart radio team… the Catholic ‘thing’ starts to work for Dick… well, join us for the second show interview as well.

To find out more about Immaculate Heart radio — go to   There you can find program schedules, donation information, sign up to listen on-line, etc.

And speaking of the secret recesses of our inner most selves — our ‘Vitamin’ for this show is ADYTUM. Know what that word means? Listen and find out.

We want to thank the Carmelite Sisters of the Most Sacred Heart in Los Angeles for guesting some time ago on our show. And also for the gift of their music found on their album LEAN INTO THE WIND. The Carmelite order website is  and to go direct to their album, go to  Thank you dear Sisters.

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