Catholic Vitamin L Lighting

John Wesley referred to God’s work in the heart waiting to be converted as a Prevenient Grace. It is this grace that is LIGHTING the way for each person who is open and a seeker. Our very special guest on this episode of Catholic Vitamins is author, speaker and musician TYLER BLANSKI. And what a tender joy it was to ‘walk’ with Tyler from his idyllic childhood to young adulthood, and his growing in knowledge of great books and poetry and beauty. (It reminds us of our very third Catholic Vitamins guest, then auxiliary Bishop James Conley who became a Catholic convert in part due to his two year college study of great books of the world).

At any rate, what started our outreach to Tyler was his most recent book: “An Immovable Feast; How I Gave Up Spirituality for a Life of Religious Abundance.” Archbishop Charles Chaput (a wonderful author in his own right!!) wrote that Tyler’s book is “The rarest of conversion stories, beautifully written (and rich in content).” And Dr. Scott Hahn says this is a book “filled with poetry, (yet it) entertains like satire, and convicts as only the truth can convict.”

We could have spent much more time with this gifted writer — please listen and consider buying his book as a gift for yourself…. or a friend.

Oh, and we featured a former guest MATTHEW BAUTE – a magnetic  singer, musician and composer. He was an interview guest on Catholic Vitamins back in January of 2912. His music is mystical and inviting… His albums are available in many locations, e.g, Youtube, Spotify, Pandora,  etc.  If you know Matthew, tell him he’s always welcome to come back on the Catholic Vitamins Podcast.

What are you reading or listening to for LIGHTING the way to deeper faith?



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