God’s NOURISHMENT is found in the Eucharist, the ‘Source and Summit’ of our faith walk and life. But speaking of life, we also are lifted by human-to-human type of Nourishment. Good words… good stories… good experiences. And in this episode of Catholic Vitamins, we invite you to meet TONY AGNESI — an award winning Broadcast Hall of Fame personality… but whose main forte is Story Telling.
Tony’s midwest upbringing started with a faithful Italian Catholic mom but with an equally faithful Italian Methodist dad. They raised him in a family environment of faithfulness. And now, 60-some years later, Tony is a daily Mass and Eucharist participant. He’s been helping a local pregnancy center… AND the Ohio community homeless and needy for more than two decades. He believes in the formation of St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta: “Look at the face of Jesus and see Him in the face of the person who is hungry, broken, addicted or lonely.”
During our interview, Tony was able to squeeze in a couple of his stories… but you can go to his website and find audio and books (that he’s written) which will fill your cup with true, caring NOURISHMENT… Thank you Tony. Bless you. Come back sometime on Catholic Vitamins.