Catholic Vitamin G Goodness

Two guests for the price of one! Connie RossiniCONNIE ROSSINI is our featured guest. She is a writer, a speaker and a blogger. We reached out to Connie because of her close connection with the GOODNESS of GOD found in the wonderful Carmelite spirituality. In our interview, Connie gave us an introduction to St. Therese of Lisieux, St. Teresa of Avila and St. John of the Cross. Very soon, Connie will self-publish her new book TRUSTING GOD With St. Therese. We’re most anxious to get an early copy and one free copy will be available in a drawing for one of our listeners. This drawing will likely happen in late August. You can find Connie and her work at

Another sweet and special guest? Yes – Catholic Vitamins offers listeners to listen to and enjoy NOELLE GARCIA and her husband DAVID McHUGH. Noelle GarciaWhy are they coming back to visit on Catholic Vitamins? Depending solely on the Goodness of God, as found in our listeners, Noelle and David have decided to self-publish a new music CD. This is an expensive proposition these days (studio rental, musicians, editing/packaging, marketing, etc.) If you like what you hear here – or if you know of the wonderful Christian music and charitable work of Noelle and/or David, please consider any-sized donation to help them put this album together. Go to  Once there, search for NOELLE GARCIA.

Special thanks to correspondent Justin Stroh for a great This New Evangelization Podcast (TNEP) segment tied to this weekend’s Mass readings.

We continue to pray for the father of correspondent Marianna Bartholomew and we ask the Guardian Angels to protect Sonja Corbitt, our TN correspondent who is traveling as we put this show together. Fergal, me lad, you’re in our prayers. May the Lord sustain your busy new life as a deacon.


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One Response to Catholic Vitamin G Goodness

  1. Pingback: Catholic Vitamins podcast interview: G is for Goodness - Contemplative Homeschool

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