(Re)meet Dr. John Bergsma — one of the most IMPASSIONED Old Testament Scripture scholars. He is a professor of Theology at Franciscan University. And if you have not met him on Catholic Vitamins before, you may not know that he is a convert from being an impassioned Protestant minister — and now on fire for our Catholic Faith.
Professor Bergsma and I met again to discuss two of his newest books: PSALM BASICS FOR CATHOLICS: Seeing Salvation History in a New Way, and STUNNED BY SCRIPTURE: How the Bible Made Me Catholic.
What ‘spiritual mood’ are you in? Feel like praising God? Feeling like ‘woe is me?’ Are you sensing the great wisdom of God and all His plans? Alone or abandoned? There are 7 types of Psalms – ready for you to discover them and bring them into your prayer life?
Our show today includes a ‘teaser’ from a great talk by Dr. Bergsma – given at the 2013 priest, deacon, seminarian retreat/conference. His talk to us was called A WORD OF BLESSING. It’s CD # 13202 and avail from the Franciscan University bookstore: www.franciscan.edu/bookstore. …. A great and inspiring talk.
Dr. Bergsma’s books and products can be found at www.catholicbibleteacher.com, and at www.catholicproductions.com or at www.johnbergsma.com
We thank our featured musician, singer and speaker CHRIS MUGLIA (Mool-ya) and you can find him and his products at www.chrismuglia.com