We hope this episode will KICKSTART some new ideas among married couples. What sort of ideas? First – to consider something new for your marriage. Second to listen to this show and learn about TEAMS OF OUR LADY – a lay-run/lay-organized form of marriage enhancement and growing marriage in the Catholic community.
A few years ago, Deacon Tom was asked to lead a weekend retreat for married couples. They were members of a regional chapter of TEAMS OF OUR LADY. It was a chance to be with 6 couples who have been meeting for years. And in their meetings they have learned together, they have grown together, and they have shared together.
On this show, we feature an introductory segment to introduce Teams for listeners that have never heard of the organization. Then we played a segment of tribute to the Teams concept by Bishop Denis Nulty of Ireland. And finally, we played a short segment of experience and endorsement in the form of a mini interview with Jennifer – she’s been a team leader (with her husband) of a Team from the nearby Phoenix Diocese. They’ve been doing this for ten years.
Finally – TEAMS is not a Marian organization – it is an lay organization with Mary as the requested intercessor for the couples.
Join us for Catholic Vitamin K for Kickstart.