God’s plan for loving Him first, and loving others ‘as ourselves’ is truly MYSTICAL. On this show, we meet LARAINE BENNETT, co-author (with her husband Art) of a series of three books on TEMPERAMENT. Adding this understanding to our life’s journey will enter us more deeply into the mystical experience of the love of the Trinity.
What if we told you that in his early life, Augustine was impetuous, opinionated, stubborn and ‘quick’ to respond? But later in his life, St. Augustine was reserved, cautious to form friends, somewhat quiet and reserved. What would this tell you? At first, he was possessing of a Choleric temperament. Later, God’s grace opened up Augustine’s Phlegmatic characteristic temperament.
Sound too technical? It really isn’t. Getting into the first book THE TEMPERAMENT GOD GAVE YOU will establish your awareness of, and your original and dominant temperament. Reading a second book THE TEMPERAMENT GOD GAVE YOUR SPOUSE will help you progress to a much deeper level of loving appreciation for that spousal temperament, and (perhaps) explain why the attractive ‘differences’ at the beginning are now the factors in impatience or ‘dislike’ of your spouse’s temperament now. Go to Amazon or Sophia Institute Press websites for ordering these great books.
Oh, and BTW: we’re giving away one copy of each of these two books. Send your entry to catholicvitamins@gmail.com .
On this show, we also talked about Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat – a retreat that Deacon Tom did last weekend. It was holy, inspiring and emotional. We played two songs by Francesca Battistelli — an awesome Christian singer whose music was, in part used at the RVR. We’ve made outreach to invite Francesca on Catholic Vitamins… Her website is found at www.francescamusic.com Please check out her awesome albums!!
One other note: We played a touching song by artist Faith Hill — not likely, but we would dearly love to have her guest on Catholic Vitamins too. That tender music is from her song A BABY CHANGES EVERYTHING. Her website is www.faithhill.com BTW: She’s got a brand new album done with her husband Tim McGraw. Good stuff, Maynard 🙂