Catholic Vitamin P Passion

emilyfrontcoverWho is this lovely woman? She is a young, PASSIONate, energetic Catholic musician and speaker: EMILY WILSON. The heart of her passionate ministry is offering encouragement to young people, especially young women in their search for their true identity.

Emily’s passion was noticeable even in the 3rd grade at age 7. This passion continued when she was in Arizona State University and she joined another passionate singer and musician Ike Ndolo.

Come join us as we travel from her family of origin to these days when Em speaks and sings for a Life Teen event in South Africa. At Steubenville Youth Conferences here in the U. S. and in many church and conference venues.

But today — on this show — she’s full of Catholic Vitamins – especially PASSION. And you can find her music and more at

One other note: One week to get your email in to Tom and Dee for our Sonja Corbitt book give away. UNLEASHED: How to Receive Everything the Holy Spirit Wants to Give You. Send the email with the subject UNLEASHED to

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