Enthusiastic, reverent, passionate… vivacious too. She’s Diana von Glahn – 1/2 of The Faithful Traveler (FT) duo. She and husband David travel to places of great beauty and history. They film them and turn them into FT productions which are seen on EWTN television, and they are also available for purchase on DVDs by going to the Faithful Traveler website: www.thefaithfultraveler.com
On this episode of Catholic Vitamins, Diana shares her journey from childhood days in Southern California to various schools, including a stint as a lawyer (… “Get me outta here…” ) and other jobs. But what seems like the ‘position’ that is meant for Diana is sharing the visible and beautiful joys of our Catholic history and tradition. The FT website has pictures and a place to order their travel DVD’s. So good – that Tom and Dee ordered a set of their DVDs related to the Holy Land. We’ll share the DVD with our church faith group.
If both your ear and attention are ‘quick’ – you may have caught that we played a bit of musician and singer Danielle Rose on this show. She’s a good friend of Catholic Vitamins and she’s visited with us twice — go to our index page and click on a link to listen to the journey and testimoney of this beautiful Catholic witness (and musician and singer)
Thanks as always to Marianna Bartholomew – 7 time award winning journalist… and Sonja Corbitt whose new book UNLEASHED is being talked about and read throughout the U. S. The pics below are Marianna (left) and Sonja,, visiting our parish in north central AZ.