Catholic Vitamin I Icons

IconAre ICONS mysterious to you? Confusing? Meet Cecelia Aguallo (A-Wy-Oh), an Icon-writer and teacher from  igod, the Icon Guild of Denver. Self-taught in the rich symbolism and spiritual lessons of Icons, Cecelia explains they are much more than ‘artwork.’ Cecelia says that ‘as you work on an icon, an icon is working on you.’ Join us for an exploration of this visual medium that leads the icon-writer into new realms of holy exploration.

Cecelia’s email address is

Our music today included two selections from the delightful new album of Advent and Christmas music just released by the Daneluk family. You can find their work and purchase music from

We closed the show with music from a former guest and friend Margo B. Smith (dot com) and her song THANK YOU LORD.

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