KAZILLION: A (very) large, unspecified number. And that’s the number of the books we’d like to see you purchase from our guests ALLISON GINGRAS (Left) and TIFFANY WALSH. What are these books? They are currently a set of three woman-friendly, inviting, easy-reads in the STAY CONNECTED Journals for Catholic Women series.
Allison inspired the idea, and her book is first: The Gift of Invitation: 7 Ways Jesus Invites You to a Life of Grace
Tiffany’s book is the second in the series: Exploring the Catholic Classics: How Spiritual Reading Can Help You Grow in Wisdom
And while she wasn’t our guest on this particular show, Deanna Bartalini has contributed the third book: Invite the Holy Spirit Into Your Life: Growing in Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.
Here’s contact information for the authors:
Allison Gingras is found at her website: www.reconciledtoyou.com
Tiffany is found at her blog website: www.lifeofacatholiclibrarian.com
And Deanna’s writing and contact info is at www.deannabartalini.com
BTW: On Catholic Vitamins – starting with this show and the next couple, we’re offering one set of these books away. Send your entry request to Catholicvitamins@gmail.com