Catholic Vitamin Q Quench

Lisa Hendey CRS PicA wonderful ‘young old friend’ LISA HENDEY returns to Catholic Vitamins to share with us her journey to Africa. She was selected as a recipient of the prestigious Egan Journalism Fellowship to go to Africa to view the work and projects of CRS — Catholic Relief Services. CRS is truly helping to QUENCH the thirst, be it spiritual, physical or emotional of victims of genocide and other problems in Central Africa. But, CRS is also active here in the U. S., the Caribbean, Asia, the Middle East and elsewhere. And as we enter Lent – and in response to the call for almsgiving – would you consider gifting a part of your excess to CRS? And don’t forget our mentions of the Lenten Ricebowl APP available by going to

This show also features satisfying (i.e. designed to Quench) contributions from each of our CV correspondents: Justin Stroh, Marianna Bartholomew, Deacon Fergal O’Neill and our newest team member, Scriptural Evangelist Sonja Corbitt.

Our closing music was from Audrey Assad, a much admired prior guest on Catholic Vitamins. From her album “The House You’re Building” we featured Audrey’s classic song (about a thirst inside of us) called RESTLESS. You can find Audrey’s music in many places, including 

Lastly, during our early PRATTLE section of the show, we talked about some pictures from our old stomping grounds in beloved Colorado. These include the regionally famous Chapel on the Rock where Deacon Tom has married server couples – there are two views. A friend sent us three pictures from Colorado and I intended to post each of them. Alas, there was something that kept me from successfully getting her pictures onto this page.  If anyone is interested, I’ll try posting these pics elsewhere.


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  1. Pingback: Get “Quenched” with Catholic Vitamins

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