Catholic Vitamin X Xtra 20

Introducing BAI MACFARLANE, founder of MARY’S ADVOCATES, a 501(c)3 non-profit which seeks to uphold marriage against unilateral no-fault divorce, and support those who have been unjustly abandoned and who remain faithful to their marriage.

Sister Lucia was the longest-living visionary whom the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to (when she was a child)  in Fatima. Sister Lucia wrote these words which come from Heaven: “The final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid, she added, because anyone who works for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be fought and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue. And then she concluded: however, Our Lady has already crushed its head.”

Bai Macfarlane has been a vibrant (and world-traveled) spokesperson to defend against this area of attack against marriage. Pray for her work. Support her work. And please share word concerning this podcast with others. Bai’s website is found at .

During the show, we spoke about the ‘white paper’ written by the Arizona Conference of Catholic Bishops on the ‘Importance of Marriage in the Catholic Church.” You can find out more by visiting

And also during the show, we spoke about the delightful music and singing of Alicia Hernon — and about her podcast that she does with her husband, Mike. It’s called the Messy Family Project.

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