Catholic Vitamin E Elated

We are so very ELATED to share another wonderful conversion to our awesome Catholic Faith. On this episode, meet LORELEI SAVARYN — a wife, mother and a ‘re-found’ Catholic convert since 2016. Most all of us know the words of St. Augustine: “Our hearts are restless, Oh Lord, until they rest in you.” Lorelei and her husband J. P were certainly claimants to this restless phenom… She or they tried the Nazarene Church, the Assembly of God Church, experiences with Lutheranism through the Evangelical Lutheran college she attended, and a time with a Baptist/Calvinist Church.

Eventually, at a ‘supper date’ with J. P., Lorelei was willing to look past her preconceptions and distortions of what being a Catholic might mean – and she popped the question: “Would you want to consider trying the Catholic Church?” And then followed RCIA, (the Rite of Christian Initiation For Adults) and the ‘amazing’ Easter Vigil Mass of entry into full Communion with the Church.

You too can become on-fire and joyous if you take two Catholic Vitamin E (Elated) and discover the truths and ‘completeness’ of Jesus’ plan for our eternal union with Him. You can find Lorelei (& sometimes J. P.) at

And on this show, we featured some music from a delightful singer, songwriter and musician Margo B. Smith. Look for her at



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