Elation Part 1: The conversion of author Paula Huston (and husband Mike). And now, Elation Part 2: introducing ONE ORDINARY SUNDAY: A Meditation on the Mystery of the Mass. Don’t let the word ‘Meditation’ hold you back. This is a wonderful book for family reading, for book-study groups, for RCIA students — for anyone who wants to more fully enter the beauty, the mystery, and the history of the Mass. Join Paula, her husband and the parishioners at their Arroyo Grande, CA parish for the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time. You’ll meet members of the parish, you’ll be with Fr. Ken as he vests for Mass.
And then Paula wonderfully leads readers into each moment of the Mass. Not in some dusty, ancient way. Not in some heady, professorial manner. No — it’s a book to lead us to more appreciative participation in the liturgy that so many have done and taken for granted. Deacon Tom and Dee are so appreciative of finding this author and getting a chance to introduce Catholic Vitamins listeners to Paula and her faith walk and to her well-crafted words on the Mass.