Catholic Vitamin F Franciscan

Our aim is to nourish Catholic Faith from “A” to “Z.” — And for us, the FRANCISCAN vitamin has been a wonderful boost to our faith walk. We’re filled with exuberance, joy and a desire to evangelize. From my earliest days, the Franciscan ‘spirituality’ telling of God’s abundant love… and love as understood and lived by St. Francis of Assisi… they’ve always been ‘magnetic’ to me. In these, my later years – they’ve led me to want to evangelize about this to/with others.

And speaking of evangelization, our guest, JOHN BEAULIEU is the Director of Marketing and Engagement for the Franciscan University adult and youth conferences. He’s been involved in youth ministries for more than a dozen years — and he helps prepare for the wonderful summer adult programs at Steubenville, and for the many youth conference events. One summer, Dee and Deacon Tom were blessed to do volunteer work at a Steubenville of the Rockies event in Denver. Among other tasks, we helped over 1,000 young teens go to Confession and to praise God with abandon during Adoration and Mass liturgies.

Listen to this episode to hear how one single contact with on-fire Catholic evangelists began to touch and form John — and then an even more powerful Confession helped set him on-fire… a fire that still burns bright these days.

Would you prayerfully consider attending a Franciscan summer conference in 2018? Some of our listeners have done so… Here’s a link to look at the many offerings:

And during this podcast on Franciscan life – we mentioned the late Father Michael Scanlan — the priest who helped ‘resurrect’ Franciscan University in Ohio… This is a link to a short 10 minute but powerful video testimonial about Father Mike. It makes me tender and joyous and hopeful each time I watch it.

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