Our show is about genealogy — especially as oriented to Holy Scripture and its teaching and meaning for us Catholics in this day and age.
I talked about this during the show — I was so struck by visiting a late 1800’s Catholic Church in Nevada. It was in a gold mining area, and the Church and its people made a point of keeping displays of pictures of priests, old vestments and vessels, newspaper articles, letters, etc. This was a chance for people to show where they came from and how they came to be where and what they are now.
It was this sort of thinking, in a much more organized manner that led the Jewish people to track generation after generation. Names of men; names of women; names of children. Our guest is Fr. Andreas Hoeck, shown here in a faculty picture after the staff at St. John Vianney Seminary celebrated their final Mass with then-Archbishop Charles Chaput from Denver. Fr. Hoeck is immediately to the right of the Archbishop.
While not going into academic level study of genealogy, Fr. Andreas helps us consider why these family histories were and are important to the Jewish people and to us. Father recommended two books for anyone interested in Scriptural genealogy: THE NEW JEROME BIBLICAL COMMENTARY, and the book ON CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE by St. Augustine.
If you wish to reach out to Fr. Hoeck, you can go to the Denver chancery website (www.archden.org) and find links to the staff.
Today’s show included music by celebrated musician BRIAN FLYNN from his new album BORN AGAIN. We highly recommend this album and hope you’ll go to Brian’s website to find purchase information.
Blessings one and all.
Deacon Tom & Dee