400 Episodes of Catholic Vitamins!! And the Deacon and the Dee spend time… a GLANCE back at the episodes we’ve had… the guests… the singers and musicians… the topics. It’s a walk back in time. Dee reminded me that this is our 15th stroll through the alphabet… Our first Vitamin was, of course A and that was for Adoration. We talked about that start… and about the earliest of vitamins: B for Beauty in the Church, C for Conversion — that episode featured His Excellence Bishop James Connolly who is now the shepherd of the Diocese of Lincoln, NE.
We featured music on this show… Audrey Assad, Margo B. Smith, Bob Rice, Brian Flynn, Danielle Rose, Russ Rentler and Matthew Baute… We give thanks to these artists who have been among our favorite guests and performers over the last 8 years… and 400 episodes of Catholic Vitamins.