Catholic Vitamin G Goals

Jessica Hayes 1JESSICA HAYES is a CONSECRATED VIRGIN. Talk about responding to a GOAL in life. We’ve talked with and recorded our time with Jessica to discover the definition of and what it means to respond to the call of Christ in our life. In her life. There’s a wonderful Our Sunday Visitor article about this vocation. The link to that story isĀ

Jessica is an Indiana teacher — highly respected and one who spends a lot of time with young people. Imagine the conversations they must have: ‘you mean, you’re like a nun?’ Or: ‘You’re a virgin until you get married?’ Or: ‘How do you know when Jesus is speaking to you about this sort of thing?’

Most of us wouldn’t be called to this life. But how about the beauty of what it means to respond to a Goal that Jesus sets before us. That’s this week’s show idea and topic.

Jessica is available by email and on many of the media sites. She welcomes your outreach. Thank you Jessica. Blessings on you and in your journey.


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