First — how nice it was to have two experts in health visit on this episode of Catholic Vitamins. The goal for this show was to give us all things to think about concerning physical health, spiritual health and emotional health.
Peggy Bowes is such a talented woman; she is also an inspiring woman of faith. She loves Christ, the Church, the Sacraments, Our Blessed Mother and the Rosary. In addition to talking with her about her recent appearance on Marcus Grodi’s Journey Home show on EWTN, we were able to ask her to share her experiences combining spirituality and physical fitness. We think she makes some compelling points that merit our (after the holidays ? 🙂 attention… well at least about physical fitness.
Peggy’s book, of course is THE ROSARY WORKOUT published by Bezalel Books. Links associated with Peggy and her book are:
Below is the link for Peggy’s appearance on EWTN:
Also on this show, we had a certified physical fitness “coach” and a gourmet cook. Her name is Michelle Closs and she provided her insights on physical fitness, nutrition and selecting optimum foods to fuel our bodies. Michelle’s new business is a combination of all of her education and experience with exercise, conditioning, fitness and nutrition.
If you have questions or need some inspiration or help concerning your body, exercise, conditioning or your diet, Michelle would love to hear from you. You can reach Michelle at her email address:
About our music played during this show, we played BLESSED HOPE, from the album A STAR STILL SHINES by the Glenn Mohr Chorale. Their link is below.
Our friend Mike Strickland’s composition SPREAD JOY was a joy to include in this show. You can find videos of this piece around the internet. You can find Mike’s music and CD’s on his website which is also shown below.
Our concluding music is from the inspirational singer and speaker, Renee Bondi. From the album Let It Rain, we ended our show with I CAN DO ALL THINGS. (By permission of Renee — thank you dear one!)