Catholic Vitamin J Journey Part 2

Fr. Greg Bramlage is back with us for the second and an even more powerful part of his Journey from a falling-away Catholic skeptic, to a faith reborn, to the priesthood and now in an awesome healing and deliverance ministry. Fr Greg 1Priests need prayers and support — and support for priests is one of the areas that Fr. Greg is dedicated to. I hope you’ll listen to both parts of this journey story, and then pray for this work. And perhaps, your pastor or diocese would like to invite Fr. Greg.

Dee and Tom spoke a good bit about the wonderful new movie coming out on January 24, 2014. It’s called GIMME SHELTER  Gimme ShelterHere’s a link to the Youtube trailer – plan on seeing this movie. Highly recommended by Deacon Tom and Dee (it’s gritty so not for youngest kiddoos).

Music on the show included more music from the Making Music Praying Twice Dot Com work of the Daneluk family. We’re enjoying their new Advent and Christmas album.

We played a bit of Midnight Clear from the Winterfall album of Donna Beck Michaels and Lee Spears. You can order this album from this website:

We also included a selection from the seasonal album of the Glenn Mohr Chorale — look for them on their website and on Youtube and elsewhere.

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