Catholic Vitamin M: Mercy


Longtime listeners to Catholic Vitamins will recognize that we search in a variety of places and ways for our guests and topics. You’ve heard us say that faith-building stories are often found in the people who worship beside you in the pew. Our guest, Dave Cordaro was for years a ‘fallen-away’ Catholic who became a minister and pastor for the Assembly of God Church. Join in our interview and hear of his journey back as guided by God’s wonderful mercy. 

In my own life, God’s mercy was first recognized in a Jewish business man who gave great witness in what it means to trust in mercy. I’ve briefly told the story of a gentleman that I did some work with — and how he made the hard decision to acknowledge his sinful ways in which he had cheated his employer for years. He threw himself on the mercy of his employer. And it was like a scene from the return of the Prodigal Son.

And his example – that is, the example of a non-Catholic Jewish businessman was a step in my own prostration before the mercy of God the Father. And in the journey since then, I’ve come to know and love the Divine Mercy of the Father’s Son, Jesus Christ. I’ve found Jesus to be a gentle, patient and always ready to aid in a gentle return to His love and His grace.

Today on our show, we bring you another story of God’s mercy. We hope you’ll enjoy it.


Dated October 14th, 2012 for the 28 Sunday in Ordinary Time

This week, Lord, You showed us Your most precious Sacred Hear by appearing to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque. You told us to adore You by meditating on Your heart of love and by having Your heart displayed prominently in our homes.

Please Lord, help all people to realize what a blessing it is to be able to look at Your Sacred Heart, and see the fire of love, the crown of thorns, and the blood of forgiveness, coming from Your heart.

Let us feel the peace of Your love, and help us to get the continued graces that we need to face all the challenges of life.

Amen and Amen.


Quite a few months ago – maybe a year or more, we were able to be in contact with a very beautiful Catholic wife and mom, and composer and singer of great Catholic and Christian music. For this show, we played two songs written by DONNA CORI GIBSON from her album DIVINE MERCY PRAYERS: A 3 O’ClOCK PRAYER and JESUS YOU ARE MERCY. Donna has a commanding range and a tender heart for Jesus and His loving kindness. You can find Donna at 

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