Catholic Vitamin N: Now

Thanks to Catholic Musician, Speaker and New Evangelization motivator JUSTIN STROH for sharing wonderful verbal images of what it was like at World Youth Day in Spain. Justin is an infectious speaker and you’ll find his main web address below.

Deacon Tom’s Reflection on NOW

During the current week’s Catholic Vitamins Podcast, Deacon Tom shared this reflection:

We have a small sign at the entry to our house… it’s inside right by a beautiful crucifix. The sign says, “THIS IS A CATHOLIC HOME.” Our neighbors who live closest to us have announced they are LDS… Mormon. NOW is the time for them to know that we are proudly Catholic.

There are bumper stickers on the back of our two cars. The bumper stickers proclaim that we believe in pro life… the sanctity of every life. NOW is the time to let others know that the greatest battle we face isn’t terrorism from Islam extremists – the greatest  threat we face is violence in the womb of a mother.

When in Colorado, we signed an amendment to the state constitution to protect the meaning of marriage to be defined as a union between one man and one woman… for life. In May, Mark Shea, the author and columnist and blogger said that it was time for residents of Minnesota to defend the definition of marriage.

NOW is the time for us to do something… to say something… to pray something to protect marriage. AND to restore and protect the family…

Jesus wants to invite you back into His big, warm and loving Catholic family in the Church He founded 2,000 years ago.  He’s calling you home, but the choice is yours… NOW is the time to go the the Catholics Come Home website and find out that we aren’t the family Christ intended us to be if you aren’t a member. Yes, we’re a bit dysfunctional, and yes we have broken members in our family — so did Jesus. But it’s NOW time for Catholics to Come Home…

Dear listener… dear reader: Saint Paul speaks of “working with” Christ: “…we entreat you not to accept the grace of God in vain. For he says, ‘At the acceptable time I have listened to you, and helped you on the day of salvation. ‘Behold, NOW is the acceptable time; behold, NOW is the day of salvation.”

Our Music on This Show

There is a lady whom I pray will discover Catholicism. Her name is Jody Gnant. When we were planning the beginnings of Catholic Vitamins, we asked Jody if we could play her music and promote it a bit — she graciously said ‘yes.’ On this show (and in keeping with the theme NOW), we played a portion of her song GREAT DAY. Go out and make it a great day. This song is from her album PIVOT, and you can find more information on Jody from visiting her site:

We featured a portion of a lovely song by the daughters of Justin Stroh, Mary Catherine and Clare. I believe Justin said they are 17 and 16, and the song HE LOVES ME was written by one of the daughters. Thanks for writing it and letting us play this song.

We also played Justin’s song I BELIEVE at the end of the show. You can find Justin and his work through his main website:

We also thank our dear author friend Theresa Doyle Nelson for contributing another segment from her series on saints. Reach out to Theresa through her website:

And finally – thanks to our newest ‘foreign’ correspondent – Fergal O’Neill from Ireland. He’s definitely giving us ‘thinking vitamins.’ You can find him at his web address:


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