I can remember the first time I ever went to a Catholic (Charismatic-oriented) praise and worship evening of music and prayer. Something stirred inside my soul… my heart wanted to give praise…. yet I was like our late Holy Father John Paul II. It was a while till I felt ‘free’ enough to lift my hands somewhat. Over the course of perhaps a year — you might smile to think that my hands lifted about 2 inches each new time I went to a praise session — and they started pretty far down.
Not so any more. I love to give praise and express my love of Christ and the Trinity. I love to let Blessed Mother Mary know how much I feel about Her Son and Her. And so this Catholic Vitamin is about praise. And our special guest is George Leite — long known around Catholic podcasting. He was instrumental in forming the wonderful website called Catholic Jukebox. It’s a way to know about, to listen to and comment about popular Catholic Christian music and performers. Here is what is said about this effort: Catholic JukeBox – the place to find the best in contemporary Catholic music. Listen to Catholic Jukebox Radio, the Catholic Rockers podcast and other podcasts.
And for those who stumble onto these words and say they don’t want (or need) anything to do with that ‘hands in the air’ stuff… let me assure you that I have and continue the most profound respect for the beautiful music heritage of our Catholic faith. Just yesterday, as deacon, I was involved in closing Benediction liturgy at our parish. I don’t have that great of a singing voice — but with gusto I sing out the traditional words to Tantum Ergo and Holy God We Praise Your Name. In fact — what I have come to accept in my life is that praise and worship music and charismatic-oriented prayer has drawn me closer to all aspects of Catholic faith practice. PRAISE GOD!
Here are some links for George Leite and Catholic Jukebox.
George’s email: leitefrog@gmail.com