Professor Colette Higgins from Kaneohe, Hawaii opens Catholic Vitamin P for PRATTLE with our guests: Deacon Tom and Dee 🙂 Today, we celebrate our 300th show and give away a bunch of gifts for the Friends of Catholic Vitamins on Facebook.
Special thanks — heartfelt thanks for the kind words — the emails that are still coming in as we finish this show. We have wonderful shares from recent year contributors to Catholic Vitamins: evangelist JUSTIN STROH, 7 time award winning journalist MARIANNA BARTHOLOMEW,
our Scriptural Evangelista SONJA CORBITT
— and by no means last — DEACON FERGAL O’NEILL all
the way from Naas, Ireland.
Thank you 6 years of guests; we’ve prayed for you. Thank you listeners; we have never stopped praying for your intentions. Thank you contributing correspondents. Thank you Lord for this little corner of Catholic Faith testimony that you’ve let us participate in.