His name is JASON EVERT. Jason and his lovely wife Crystalina have spoken to over a million people on six continents. Their primary ministry is found on their chastityproject.com website. Whatever interest you have or information you seek with regard to purity, chastity, contraception, STD’s, starting-over, theology of the body, etc. – visit the Everts and avail yourself of their many resources.
But this show is about PURPOSE. And Christians around the world were all gifted by the life, witness and Purpose of the late Pope Saint John Paul. And no recent book has more wonderful stories and demonstrations of the purpose of a person called to be a saint than this new book of Jason: SAINT JOHN PAUL THE GREAT: His Five Great Loves. We’re offering a free copy of the book if you’ll hurry and send your request in to catholicvitamins@gmail.com WE KNOW YOU’LL LOVE THIS BOOK.
Join us for this show and some touching memories and sharing about the life and legacy of JPII.
We’re also thankful to a wonderful wife and mother TERESA SMITH for being a guest some time ago on Catholic Vitamins, and for letting us play some of her music. For this show, we featured a song from her album BLOOMING. Thanks Teresa.