Catholic Vitamin S Shalom

Our guest BONNIE RAPKIN‘s introduction to Christianity was when she was encircled by a bunch of young boys yelling at her: “You killed Jesus, You killed Jesus.” Bonnie didn’t know who Jesus was, and as soon as she was freed from this terrifying experience, her Jewish mother began to tell her about us – the one’s who thought that Jesus was the Messiah. “Of course they are wrong.” (Or some such words from mom.)

True Biblical SHALOM means an inward sense of wholeness or completeness. And Bonnie Sue came to know Shalom when she in later life attended a Catholic Mass with a friend. Bonnie saw the fullness of faith from the Old Testament readings to the Gospel to the Eucharist. It’s another wonderful journey story — from Jew to Catholic Christianity.

You can contact her at

We also featured a snippet from a talk by Mother Miriam – another former Jew (Rosalind Moss) who came to know the fullness of faith in the Catholic Church.

Here are some show-links:

Mother Miriam

Taylor Tripodi (A great Catholic singer/musician)

Billy Tarascio ( wonderful Phoenix lawyer, friend of Catholic Vitamins and a great singer)

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