What’s the ULTIMATE gift to have? Complete and total trust and surrender to God — and to be so in love with his Catholic Church that you want to share the ‘good news’ with as many people as possible.
Meet our on-fire guest PATTY SCHNEIER — from the Archdiocese of St. Louis, MO — but by now, traveling a lot of the world to share her story. Dee and Deacon Tom first heard and met Patty in St. Louis when she moderated the Catholic Radio Association annual conference. During her share of her faith journey – she told a brief version of her very popular CD and conference share: ‘PROVE IT GOD AND HE DID.’
Patty has been described ‘enthusiastic, energetic and effervescent!’ We hope you agree after meeting her on this podcast. And you can find downloads and CDs and her book on her website: www.pattyschneier.com
We also thank our dear friend and correspondent SANDY G who shares a reflection on the EVOLUTION going on in the Church of today.