We started this week’s podcast with a powerful email from a wonderful teen young lady — her name is Avery. She has her own website and podcast and she is found on Lisa Hendey’s Catholic Moments podcast where Avery does a Teen Moment. Avery’s email was about an Unexpected event in her faith walk. And our last show was on Catholic Vitamin U for Unexpected. Here is what the young teen lady Avery sent in to us:
Deacon Tom,
I am so sorry that it has taken me all this time to get back to you! The last week or so, with school and sports, and homework starting, I feel like I’ve hardly had time to breathe! I’ve been thinking and praying about this the last couple days, thinking about unexpected events, and not very many are coming to mind… The only thing I could really think of that may be considered unexpected was a time during adoration this summer.
It was the first time I had ever really been to adoration, I was still kind of confused about the whole process and what the big deal about it was. I was at Catholic Heart Work Camp, deprived of more than about three or four hours of sleep a night, and not quite to the point where I was on a “spiritual high” yet. But I decided to go, to participate, and just to try to see what it was really all about. WOW, was I surprised. It was honestly a feeling I had NEVER felt before. I walked into the auditorium where over 300 people my age were sitting, loud, crazy, about the same point I was at. Then, the priest walked in, the Eucharist was shown, and I honestly couldn’t help myself. I didn’t know what was going on but there was this just crazy immense feeling in my heart, I dropped to my knees and began to cry almost uncontrollably. Soon after a lot of the other people were doing the same thing. I don’t think there was a dry eye in the crowd by the end of the night.
I felt this incredible presence in the room that night. One I never ever had felt before, and one I will never ever forget. That was the absolute shortest hour of my life. As I sat at the foot of the altar, just weeping in joy and sorrow and surrender and because of this PRESENCE, I had the best conversation with God that I think I have ever had. The crazy thing about it was that I didn’t talk a word in it. Instead of telling God my problems, asking Him to help me, telling Him what needed to change, I did something I’m not all that great at. I listened. I sat humbled beyond nothing I had ever been before, in complete surrender, just FILLED completely, heart and soul, with Christ. At that moment, I wasn’t just Avery, praying to God. I was Avery, filled with Christ, just IN the presence of God. And God spoke. Not in a “coming from the clouds, breaking through the skies kind of way”, but in a way that I really did hear. At that moment, everything going through my head, every single thought in my head, my entire life at that moment wasn’t split on a million things, but completely drawn to ONE thing: “See me. Follow me.”
I was an emotional wreck by the end of the adoration hour. There were incredible things that happened in that room that night. Hearts were won for Christ. Lives were dedicated. Souls were surrendered. And it was incredibly powerful to see a simple middle school auditorium turn into a place of complete and total worship. And it was all because of the Presence. I’m hoping that’s going to be what heaven is kind of like someday…
So I’m not sure if that’s unexpected or not, but that’s really all I could think of. Also, I’m really sorry if this came too late!
Blessings and prayers,
Avery’s Live Out Loud podcast from Live WTL Ministries is found many places (iTunes, her own website, etc.) Here’s a link: http://livewtl.libsyn.com/index.php?post_year=2010
Our feature interview was a statement from Catholic Vitamins and from some wonderful young people that LIFE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT VALUE we have and can support.
And so, the students at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, Colorado have ‘spawned’ an awesome statement of what it means to represent Catholic Christian VALUES in life. These student tell us that one quarter of their generation has never been given the chance to live. Those aborted and disposed-of babies might have been doctors and medical researchers and veterinarians and many other possible answers to world needs and they will never be able to help or solve problems. Luke Helwig and Cari Devlin and others at UNC became involved in a program to educate and help students, educators and their families to recognize the impact of lives lost due to abortion.
And in response to these needs, BEARfoot for Babies was started in 2009 by the students themselves as part of their annual Life Week events. In 2009 students at UNC went barefoot for one week, putting aside personal comfort and social norms, in silent protest against abortion. They did a number of other activities to promote pro-life on the campus, in Greeley and elsewhere around the country.
Building on the success of last year’s campaign, the students and staff of Bear Catholic have compiled an extensive line-up of world-renowned Pro-Life speakers for this year to run in conjunction with our BEARfoot for Babies campaign during the Life Week from October 3rd to 8th, 2010.
To see a video and to learn more about this awesome program, we invite you to use these links and contact points:
To contact the Director of Development for Bear Catholic, Sunny Longenbaugh at 970-673-8020 or on-line at:
Among the speakers and activities for this Life Week in Colorado, October 3rd to 8th:
Lila Rose — the student activist at UCLA who has gone ‘undercover’ and created inside videos of the lies and distortions at Planned Parenthood around the country.
Rebecca Kiessling, the woman whose mother was attacked at knife-point by a serial rapist in Michigan. Rebecca’s mother was referred to a back-alley abortionist and she refused. Rebecca was born as a result of the rapist attack and is now married and the mother of five wonderful children. Rebecca has become an international pro-life speaker.
Brian Gail — the author of “Fatherless” — a book which is on the cusp of becoming a Catholic best seller. Brian is now an in-demand speaker on matters of faith and family.
In addition, there are other speakers and events scheduled. If you live near Greeley or would consider a visit to Denver and nearby Greeley — it would be awesome to show your support for this Bearfootforbabies program and other life-activities sponsored by Bear Catholic and the Catholic students of UNC.
ABOUT Jon Sarta Piano Music
Our closing music is by a prolific pianist named Jon Sarta. He’s found just about EVERYWHERE on the web. Look for his Catholic Music Project CDs and downloads. We are proud to feature Catholic musicians from time to time on Catholic Vitamins. Thank you Jon.