Lourdes Water… Lourdes Mass… Nighttime candlelit processions… Four Major Basilicas in Rome…. Not even enough time on this episode to share the joy of Eucharistic and other miracle sites (like Lanciano, Italy). So many wonderful faith experiences. We’ll have to share a bit more later.
Deacon Tom and Dee have recently returned from their VICTORY Pilgrimage to Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. (And oh yes – an experience traveling home and a cell phone that was delayed two weeks or so 🙂 )
On this episode of Catholic Vitamins – a very special reflection from our ‘correspondent’ Sandy Greggs. You may know she has been diagnosed with ALS/Lou Gehrig’s Disease. She has lost her voice — but she used her speaking device to share with us the words from a column she wrote for her Sacred Heart Parish (Erie, PA) bulletin. This reflection she sent to us is called TERMINALLY WELL. It’s very powerful. Thank you Sandy for your witness.
We also present the story of ‘Louise’ – a wandering Christian brought home to Jesus and the Catholic Faith by the Blessed Virgin Mother while on a visit to Lourdes. (And a later visit to Medjugorje).
A Lourdes Water giveaway. A wonderful book giveaway. Feedback… That’s this CV show.
Catholic Vitamin V: Victory – Part 2. Nuggets (and more) to nourish your faith from “A” to “Z”