IGNATIUS PRESS has been a great working ‘partner’ for us at the Catholic Vitamins Podcast. In almost 9 years, we’ve been able to interview authors, speakers, and pilgrimage guides through the help of Ignatius. On this Xtra episode, we invite you to meet ANTHONY RYAN, the Director of Sales and Marketing for this powerhouse publishing company.
While we do talk a bit about new and current books, videos and such, our main focus in this show is on their 40th anniversary ‘party’ to be held Friday evening and all day Saturday, November 2nd-3rd. There’s a wonderful lineup of speakers including highly sought-after, popular clergy members, also Steve Ray, Peter Kreeft, and the founder of Ignatius, Fr. Fessio himself. The two day celebration will be held in the Event Center of St. Mary’s Cathedral in downtown San Francisco…. not a bad place for a big venue such as this. (Contact Dee and Deacon Tom for special food recommendations while doing other dining in S. F. 🙂
Reservations and information? www.ignatius.com\40