Catholic Vitamin Y Yeasayer

Peter's Wife coverWhat would it have been like to be (St.) Peter’s wife? How would she feel about this person Jesus who dragged her husband off — sometimes for months at a time. Do you think she might have had an attitude about this so-called Messiah?

Listeners to this episode of Catholic Vitamins get an opportunity to visit a YEASAYER to the inspiration and calling of the LORD. She’s dear friend Sister Kathleen Glavich of the Notre Dame Sisters of Chardon, Ohio. Sr. Kathleen GlavichSr. Kathleen is the author of over 70 books and in this show, we spend an interesting amount of chat time talking about her first ever novel. It’s called THE FISHERMAN’S WIFE: The Gospel According to Peter’s Spouse. It’s an absolute delight for summer reading. And we’re willing to bet that both women and men will enjoy reading and considering the truths that this fiction book might bring out.

If you’re a teacher, a mother or father, an RCIA leader — you are encouraged to take time to look at the other wonderful books written by Sister. They’re sure to help you and your family or sudent in faith journey.

Sister Kathleen’s website is found at:

And a fan of Sister K did a website for the book. It’s found at www.facebook/st.petersspouse 

And if you’d like more information about the teaching order that Sister Glavich belongs to, go to

Special thanks to a previous guest, composer, pianist and recording star Mike Strickland for letting us use his music on Catholic Vitamins. Mike can be found at

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