Our guest: Dr. Tim Ham. Author of two books: CROSSING THE BRIDGE – It Is Your Time, Your Chance, Your Call; and the second and recently published SIMPLICITY — the Path to Peace.
Dr. Tim is a Catholic husband and father. His work life has seen Tim rise from teacher to his most recent position as the superintendent for a school district in the Phoenix basin in Arizona. I met Tim after a Mass one Sunday not too long ago. He wanted to meet before coming on our Catholic Vitamins podcast. I enjoyed our time together and have since sensed that he is a man who has been given much… has achieved much and now wants to donate the remainder of his years to serving Christ and His Church. The two books he has finished, the one he is working on, and perhaps his speaking engagements will be great gifts to those who come to read or see Dr. Ham.
Other resources from his work include recordings of Divine Mercy and the Rosary. If you’d like to reach our guest, you can write to:
Dr. Tim Ham
TH & Associates, 6635 W. Happy Valley Rd., Suite A104, #282
Glendale, AZ 85310
(623) 297-5668
For the next two weeks, we’ll be happy to receive requests for a free copy of each of the two books mentioned above; get your requests in by phone or email to:
206-350-3789 Catholic Vitamins Feedback Number
catholicvitamins@gmail.com Our podcast email address
Just before closing, Dee mentioned promoting favorite podcasts. The one we mentioned and want to refer you to is Pat Gohn’s AMONG WOMEN PODCAST. And the specific episode that we both enjoyed most recently was when Pat got together with three of the women in her parish to discuss their long time participation (and benefits they have received) from Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. You can listen to that show by following this link. (ENJOY!)
Music for this Catholic Vitamins show included Margo B. Smith from her album SENDING UP A PRAYER, we heard Margo’s lovely ALLELUIA — so appropriate for the Easter season. You can find Margo’s music on her website: www.margobsmith.com
We closed the show with Holy God We Praise Thy Name — played (on the hammered dulcimer) by Dr. Russ Rentler. He’s a wonderful revert to the Catholic Faith and you can find out about Russ, his wife Debra and Russ’ music at the website: www.crossedthetiber.com
And — last but not least we thank our two contributors to this show: Justin Stroh, Catholic speaker and musician for his words about Divine Mercy and This New Evangelization. We also give special thanks to the wonderful author who shares ‘vitamins’ about the saints – Theresa Doyle Nelson. She’s the author of Saints of the Bible and More Saints of the Bible.