Catholic Vitamin Z Zest 2

Jenna GuizarI mean, if this young wife and mother JENNA GUIZAR isn’t the poster person for two times the ZEST we’ve ever offered in earlier podcasts… Jenna is an on-fire Catholic who had a sort of ‘come to the meeting’ moment of falling in love with Jesus — and from that newly intensified relationship springs a blog, a podcast and the wonderful BLESSED IS SHE women’s ministry.  Blessed Is She is where we discovered as many as twenty writers — women writing (predominantly) for women — but with topics that men can and do need to hear from time to time.

An Arizona native (gosh, I didn’t think we had any of those) — Jenna’s main body of work can be found at   And if you listen to the interview with Jenna, you can find ways to connect wieh her personal blog and her podcasts too.

On this show, we mentioned receiving a press release from LEAH JACOBSON, President of the Guiding Star Project. This press release told us of a new Guiding Star Center opening in Tampa. It’s a full service women’s health and pregnancy life choices center. We support these folks and you can find out more at

Last but by no means last — or least — we presented a beautiful new song by composer, musician and singer MARGO B SMITH. Margo_029a_copy_2_2The new song HOLY NAME JESUS — and other albums are available on Margo’s website:



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