As we ended the interview with Russ Rentler, I turned to Dee and said, “I hope a bishop never tells me to stop doing Catholic Vitamins.” What a great joy and pleasure it was to spend two shows… two different CV shows with Dr. Russ Rentler. In the first episode (Vitamin Q) he shared his QUEST for the right church and the right way to have a loving relationship with Jesus. That led him to some very anti-Catholic Evangelical churches — but (other than regarding Catholicism) they were loving and spirited and very biblically based.
In this podcast — Russ tells about how his life began to change when he went to see the movie The Passion of the Christ. He called it sacred art — and when he was coming out of the show — it was almost as if he heard a voice telling him, “Yes, you will find Me and you will again become a Catholic.” Russ then began SEARCHING through Church history, the Church Fathers and lots of other readings.
For some five years now — Russ and his wife Deborah have been firmly in the Catholic Church. I was especially touched by the powerful Confession (Reconciliation) that Russ experienced as he began his return to Catholicism. He now speaks so lovingly of Confession… and listen to his song at the end of the show: Stained Glass Windows. It’s all about Jesus — unveiled in the Eucharist. That song is from Russ’ album WAY TO EMMAUS. You can find a link on his site for purchase of the album. We have it and I love several of the songs on it.
Please — if you haven’t donated to Haiti relief yet — contact Russ — mention Catholic Vitamins and see if he has any trips planned that we can support.
Contact information for the Rentlers:
Russ Rentler’s Site:
Russ’ Blog:
Deborah Rentler’s Blog: