Vitamin T: Truth

How firm or exact is truth? The dictionary says that truth is: conformity with fact or reality. A little further on in the dictionary, truth has these words as part of the definition: honesty, integrity, truthfulness. Wouldn’t God be TOTAL TRUTH? Would God have relative meanings for words that He wants us to live by? I don’t think so. Of course — our human response is something like, “Well, it may be that there’s absolute truth — but no sinful deacon is going to tell me what is truth. It’ll just be your idea of truth.”  With that as the predicament — how do we search for truth? How do we know truth?

Well first — let’s start with God. God is truth, agreed? (All those who waffle on this go to the back of the line.) If God is truth – how does He communicate truth to us? Through Scripture? Most assuredly. Those who are troubled or intimidated or confused by Scripture — I understand. But consider Solomon — the great and wise son of David. Solomon prayed for wisdom — to know truth – to know how to live truth (e.g, in a Godly fashion) in his life. God’s response tells us about the mind of God. God’s reply: “Since you did not ask for riches or worldly things… since you did not ask for defeat of your enemies — but since you prayed for wisdom, I will honor your request.” (This is paraphrased – but it’s very close to God’s intent in Scripture).

So next to Scripture — comes prayer. What’s the highest, most potent form of prayer? The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. (All those who disagree with this — please go to RCIA or some Catholic refresher class post haste!) And what comes to us from the Mass? The Eucharist, which is Christ Himself. Jesus will form us… mold us… lead us to truth.

There are other components of truth: The Church and the Sacraments. The Magisterium. The sacred deposit of holy Tradition (with a capital T).

And all of these are true — but you might say they are (just) well and good. Well, I like the way our guest talked about Truth. Our guest is Fr. Patrick J. O’Doherty, the pastor of Queen of Peace Parish in Ocala, Florida. As a loving, TRUTH-FILLED shepherd, he has built a beautiful parish of several thousand families. He talked about truth and made it pretty clear when he said something like this: I guess public opinion is something to think about — but I won’t let public opinion decide truth. Jesus said He is the Way. He is the TRUTH. Jesus didn’t say He was A WAY… He didn’t say He was A TRUTH… He is THE TRUTH. I’ll have to answer to Him some day and so I’m not going to let society or public opinion define “truth” for me.

Contact Information & Fr. O’Doherty’s Sermons

If you are interested in reaching Fr. O’Doherty or looking into his parish, here is information to help you:
6455 Southwest Highway 200
Ocala, FL 34476-5588
(352) 854-2181

Fr. O’Doherty is a wonderful preacher and teacher. I have dozens and dozens of his CDs and audio tapes. He has people of his parish who perform a ministry of service. They faithfully record his sermons and other teachings. They are available for you to order by contacting
In the not too distant future, we hope to have a listing of, and more access to Fr. O’Doherty’s sermons and homilies.

Thank God for Truth. Thank God for the Church. Thank God for faithful priests. And thank You God for Fr. Patrick J. O’Doherty.

About Lisa Hendey’s New Book
Many of you already know dear Lisa Hendey — the creator of and The latter is the podcast that Lisa started years ago — and I’m blessed to be able to do the Deacon Moment on her show. Lisa has written a new book: THE HANDBOOK FOR CATHOLIC MOMS — I’m so honored that Lisa added some words by Deacon Tom and that the published book bears some of my endorsement for Lisa and for the work she does for Catholic moms. Please buy a copy of her book. The book is available through her publisher — Ave Maria Press. There are many resellers who are selling her new book as well. Here’s a link to


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